Rights of Use and Intellectual Property

The entire contents of the pages of Intranet, Internet or Extranet M2E Trading, such as information, specifications, diagrams, images, logos, forms, templates, samples, flow charts, computer programs, texts, drawings, photographs, graphics, projects, methodologies, blueprints, vision business, size of operation, services to be provided, information about planned or implemented solutions for customers, technical and other financial or commercial, as well as the presentation of the solutions and communication approach, and all documents relating to the Business and any other information revealed in the person of its representatives or contractors for the implementation of Business, belong to M2E Trading LTDA or to third parties who have legally ceded their rights to use. M2E Trading recognizes the Copyright belongs to their authors.

Communication Channel

Complaints, denouncements and inquiries may be directed through the communication channel: m2e@m2etrading.com.br