Joining specialized forces as to skip inherent risks to international trade due to each countries’ legislation, M2E Trading works as a mediator for small and mid-size producers/suppliers to perform Exporting through mechanisms related to international trade. We enable their operations from the moment of initial negotiations (fees, taxes and international and national logistics) to payment received abroad.

‣ Consultancy and Costs

The amount establish in the beginning of a negotiation with the foreign buyer is the essential tool to be analyzed and developed for exportation. A well-elaborated and complete material price in the first contact conveys commitment and professionalism, promoting long-lasting negotiations and partnerships. Some characteristics must be taken into account before elaborating an importing price list:

  • Amounts duly calculated and all expenses charged in USD or EUR/other currencies;
  • Taxation and Exemption under legislation;
  • Payment and delivery conditions in accordance with international trade usual terms;
  • Definition of minimum quantities per operation;
  • Quantity of volumes to be packed in boxes, pallets or containers;
  • Protection and reduction of risks inherent to exportation.

‣ Consultancy and services

M2E Trading assists partners step by step on where each phase is directed, from the beginning until the conclusion of the process. We act according to customs demands in the import shipping, providing advice on the current legislation for the issuing of documents in the country of destination, and thus smoothly enabling buyers’ liberation of goods at their arrival. A successful operation is fundamental for the exporter to keep sales regularity.

Our Export operation provides the following services:

  • Negotiation of commercial conditions with the foreign buyer;
  • Pre-calculation of export (potential costs);
  • Supervision of Pre-shipping follow-up;
  • Customs Clearance;
  • Booking in the indicated transportation (air, sea or road);
  • Issuing and sending of export documents, including certificate of origin, among others;
  • Closing of Exchange Rate Agreement;
  • Verification and payment of operational expenditure;
  • Post-calculation of export expenses (accountability).

‣ Operation and Logistics

We execute all logistic operations for our clients and analyze all the rules and conditions in international trade, defining the best solution for each type of export. Logistics begins by collecting the material in the Brazilian factory which is delivered to the foreign clients’ plant (importer). Thus, you and your client are benefitted from the service, ensuring safe and smooth operations which are fundamental to a good development and fidelity of clients.